Contact Support

Learner Support

What you can do before contacting support

  1. If something is not working the way you expect, check the Common Troubleshooting Guides to see if your issue is described.
  2. For support related to accessing the lab environment or any related queries, please get in touch with your instructor or program contact first. They can provide an immediate solution.
  3. If nothing works out, your Instructor will help you connect to our support team for resolution.

Best Practices

  1. Provide your Workshop’s unique ID/Request ID/Courseware marketplace Order ID/Course Name etc if available for faster resolution.
  2. Please include student information (Deployment ID or registered email address) while reporting issues related to a specific environment.
  3. Feel free to request a Microsoft Teams meeting to continue support with audio calls and screen share through Teams.
  4. If you are a learner performing MOC labs, please enter your registered email address when initiating the chat session.

Contact Support