Cloud skills in continuing Ed

Seneca's Journey to Delivering Impactful Cloud Skills in Continuing Ed

With the adoption of cloud platforms, cloud-related technology courses are among the top-pursued curricula in continued education. 

While higher education institutions are trying to address the high demand, they face many challenges in course delivery, operations, and management of cloud-based lab environments. Accessibility, expenses, and inadequate technical configurations are among their major obstacles. 

In this round table conference, our expert speakers David Trinh from Seneca and Amit Malik from Spektra Systems will shed light on cloud adoption for course delivery and its scope in terms of cost management, delivery of advanced technology courses, and improved student employment opportunities through hands-on learning. 

See what you’ll learn by attending this webinar :

  1. Learn how to leverage cloud platforms at scale while delivering hands-on labs for modern technology courses 
  2. Deliver continuing education programs covering modern cloud technologies like Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, and Google Cloud Platform 
  3. Learn how to manage, track, and optimize cloud spending across programs while maintaining an impactful student experience 
  4. Discover the highest standards of technology course design, instructor facilitation, student experience, and campus-IT innovation with cloud platforms 

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